Each quarter, we pair with our friends at Better Way Health to host the Southeast Magento Meetup. The springbots are always eager to welcome everyone to our Midtown Atlanta office for the meetups, but we’re particularly excited about this meetup’s agenda. In addition to a fun night full of knowledge bombs, here are three things you can expect when you attend the Southeast Magento Meetup this month:
First up for our speakers is Eric Yonge, CEO of Atlanta-based eCommerce web design agency EYStudios. He’ll be presenting on developing an online brand strategy that will delight customers and destroy the competition. Specifically, he’ll address how Magento makes it easier to enhance your store’s brand experience. We’re looking forward to hearing his tips and sharing them with our customers!
Ben Marks, Official Evangelist at Magento, will be joining us to drop knowledge bombs in a Q&A session. What makes Ben Marks such an expert on Magento? He’s a founding member of the Magento Stack Exchange, a founding member of the Magento Certification Advisory Board, and a Magento U instructor with over 1,500 hours spent conducting in-person training for Magento on three continents. No big deal.
One of the biggest reasons you should join us on August 25th is to take advantage of the shear number of local Magento merchants, developers, marketers, partners, and all-around enthusiasts who will be in the same room at the same time talking about all things Magento. You’ll have the opportunity to learn new strategies, get instant feedback, and network with some of the most knowledgeable eCommerce specialists we’ve met.
Start out the night with food and friends before our guests of honor speak. Dinner is served at 6pm!
Mark your calendar for August 25, 2016 at 6pm, and save your seat by registering on the Southeast Magento Meetup page here.