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Apr 15, 2015

Kudos to the E-tailers Featured in the Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide

We wanted to take a moment to recognize those named to the Internet Retailer Top 500 2015 Guide® and share our article that is featured in this year's guide.


We love it when businesses (especially eCommerce stores) get recognized for their hard work, and being named to the Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide® is an especially noteworthy accomplishment. According to Internet Retailer, those making the list are “THE 500 leading e-retailers in North America” and at Springbot, we wanted to take a moment to give these retailers a little mid-week love AND a huge congratulations.
We also wanted to mention that for the first we (the springbots) are featured in this year’s guide with an article on why Diving Deeper Into Marketing Data Improves Conversions. The article talks all about the importance on why knowing what marketing campaigns are working and what customer segments are making purchases creates a highly detailed picture of a marketing campaign’s effectiveness.
Read all about this year’s e-tailers featured in the 2015 Top 500 Guide by ordering your copy today. And make sure to also download a free copy of our article here.
Capture_Diving Deeper Into Datae.


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