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Mar 15, 2016

Say Hello to our Product Manager, Jarrett Board!

Get to know the man behind our new product feature launches -- Springbot's Product Manager Jarrett Board!

Springbot is currently on the brink of several major feature launches, so we added a seasoned Product Manager to our team to help us ensure that our new product solutions solve our customers’ pain points and are well-communicated internally and externally. Jarrett Board joined our team in December as our Product Manager and has been working diligently ever since to set our plans for new features into motion.

Jarrett is already an essential part of our team who brings a fresh perspective and positive attitude everyday (seriously, we’ve never seen him lose his cool). He’ll be the voice of our new product launches, so we want to introduce him to you with a getting-to-know you Q&A!

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Aside from spending quality time with my family (Leigh Ann, Chloe and Avery) and friends, I like to watch sports, especially college basketball (Go Hoosiers!), soccer and college football. I also try to travel as much as possible and love spending time underwater capturing pictures of exotic fish and other ocean creatures.

How did you get started in product management?
I started in product management at BellSouth Telecommunications, where I managed optical networking products. Since then, I have had roles developing SaaS products for mobile, social and eCommerce platforms.

What is your favorite feature of Springbot and why?
I don’t have a single favorite feature. I really like the fact that Springbot is designed to help small and medium sized companies compete against the giants of eCommerce. Everything we do is geared toward leveling the playing field and providing tools to help our partners make informed decisions and grow.

See more of Jarrett’s amazing underwater photography by following him on Instagram (@jarrettboard), and be on the lookout for upcoming blog posts about our new features!

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