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Feb 10, 2015

SMB Ecommerce Marketing Platform Provider Springbot Announces Strong 2014 Performance

New dashboard, new channels and revenue growth proves Springbot's eCommerce marketing platform helps online businesses thrive.

New Dashboard, New Channels and Revenue Growth Proves Springbot Helps Ecommerce Businesses Thrive

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) February 10, 2015

Springbot, an eCommerce marketing platform designed for small and medium online businesses, announced rapid company gains and significant revenue growth of its customers over the past year. In 2014, Springbot’s customers grew their online store’s revenue by 43 percent when compared to 2013. During 2014, Springbot launched version 2.0 of its eCommerce marketing platform, which includes an enhanced dashboard with automated marketing recommendations and comprehensive insights to help eCommerce merchants optimize their marketing and grow revenue.

In addition to the marketing alerts and recommendations users have grown to expect, the dashboard simplifies navigation to help users know what marketing actions to “DO,” which results to “VIEW,” and how to “MANAGE” campaigns.

“2014 was a year of significant growth for both our customers and our company,” said Brooks Robinson, CEO of Springbot. “Equipped with the enhanced marketing platform, marketing insights and a streamlined dashboard, Springbot customers advanced their stores in 2014 and experienced a very strong 2014 holiday season.”

Analysts predicted 2014 would be a year for significant mobile traffic and sales growth and Springbot customers were ready to capture this mobile trend. Springbot customers’ mobile traffic grew by 50 percent when compared to 2013, with mobile revenue more than doubling in 2014.

“We attribute our prosperity and success in 2014 to our loyal customers, industry partners and dedicated Springbot team members all of whom strive to be at the forefront of helping small and medium businesses succeed online,” said Robinson. “Looking ahead to 2015, we will be rolling out some powerful new tools for online retailers designed to help them integrate with more channels and, most importantly, optimize their marketing so they can sell more.”

In addition to its eCommerce Marketing platform, Springbot recently launched a demographic analysis tool which provides insights into an online store’s consumers. The service has already analyzed consumer demographics for hundreds of eCommerce businesses., available online and in Magento Connect, the Magento Extension Marketplace, provides online retailers with a powerful snapshot of their demographic data. Online merchants get a summary report on the age, gender, income and households of their customers for free.

About Springbot
Springbot delivers an eCommerce marketing platform to small and medium businesses. A Gold Industry Partner of Magento, Springbot has combined the power of marketing automation and marketing analytics to deliver its Marketing RoboticsTM service. The cloud-based offering integrates and makes simple the data, content and multi-channel marketing tools (social, online, email, etc.) eCommerce website owners need to drive more traffic, conversions and revenue. Springbot helps eCommerce merchants grow their revenue by taking smarter, data-driven marketing actions. To learn more information about Springbot, please visit //

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