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Dec 14, 2012

Springbot achieves Magento Gold Partner status

Springbot achieves Magento Gold Partner status - Magento, the leading ecommerce platform, has selected Springbot as a Gold Industry Partner

Magento, the leading ecommerce platform, has selected Springbot as a Gold Industry Partner.

Springbot and Magento, a division of eBay, have partnered to deliver ‘big business” ecommerce solutions to small & medium businesses. The partnership includes co-marketing and channel development opportunities such as the upcoming Magento Imagine 2013 conference. (April 8-10, 2013;

Springbot helps Magento merchants drive marketing actions based on insights from its “big data” analytics engine.
With Springbot, merchants can:
– Analyze and augment consumer data and purchase behavior
– Integrate online marketing channels, content and marketplaces
– Prioritize future marketing actions based on the potential ROI

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