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Jan 14, 2013

Springbot co-sponsors Ecommerce Executive Council

Springbot are co-sponsors of the first meeting of the Ecommerce Executive Council. Invitation only. Exclusive reception being held at Ecco Restaurant.

Springbot are co-sponsors of the first meeting of the Ecommerce Executive Council.

The Ecommerce Executive Council is an invitation only, exclusive reception being held at Ecco Restaurant in Midtown Atlanta on Thursday, January 31.

Ecommerce executives will have a chance to meet and mingle with their peers to discuss challenges, trends & best practices. There will be no seminar, sales pitch or conference.

There is limited space available, so please RSVP to by January 22nd.

When: Thursday, January 31st, 2013 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Where: Ecco Restaurant – Midtown 40 7th Street, NE, Atlanta, Georgia
Attire: Business Casual

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