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Apr 02, 2014

Springbot Customers Drive More Revenue With Enhanced Email Marketing Capabilities

Springbot Press Release: learn how Springbot customers drive revenue with enhanced email marketing capabilities.

Triggered email service increases conversion rates.

Atlanta, Georgia (PRWEB) April 02, 2014

Springbot, an eCommerce marketing platform provider that helps small and medium online retailers grow their revenue, released a new triggered email service to help eCommerce merchants increase email response and conversion rates for their online stores.

Automation is a crucial element in any eCommerce marketing strategy and is typically only available to large retailers. Triggered emails automatically send highly relevant emails to customers providing them with the right message at the right time. A targeted email is ‘triggered’ once a customer or prospect takes (or doesn’t take) a specific action. Springbot is now making this service available to small and medium online retailers using the Magento eCommerce shopping cart.

“Reaching customers and prospects with a customized message immediately after an action is taken or ignored is key to staying top of mind,” said Brooks Robinson, Springbot CEO and Cofounder. “Triggered emails enable online retailers to engage with customers in a meaningful way without placing more demands on their time and resources.”

To simplify the setup process, Springbot has developed five triggered email features:

1. Abandoned Cart Emails automatically send customers a personalized email with the specific products they “abandoned” – allowing a retailer to recover lost sales.

2. Welcome Emails are the first touch point and is an opportunity to send a highly relevant and personalized email to customers.

3. Post Purchase Emails, sent after a customer places an order, is a great opportunity to upsell new products or request product reviews.

4. Anniversary Emails are an exciting way to engage personally with customers no matter their current engagement level and shows appreciation for their loyalty.

5. Last Purchase (Win-back) Emails are a strategic way to reconnect with customers that have not made a purchase within a specified amount of time (i.e. 60 or 120 days) and let them know they are wanted back.

To learn more about how Springbot’s triggered emails and a list of other features, visit the pricing page at

About Springbot
Springbot delivers an eCommerce marketing platform to small and medium businesses (SMBs). Founded in 2012, Springbot is a Gold Industry Partner of Magento, an eBay company, and has combined the power of marketing automation and marketing analytics to deliver its Marketing RoboticsTM service. Our SaaS offering integrates and makes simple the data, content and multi-channel marketing tools (social, online, email, etc.) eCommerce SMBs need to drive more traffic, conversions and overall revenue. Springbot helps eCommerce SMBs grow their revenue by taking smarter, data-driven marketing actions. For more information, visit

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