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Mar 04, 2015

A Look Back: How Springbot Helped Drive Growth in Sales and Revenue for 2014 [Infographic]

Check out this infographic to learn how Springbot's eCommerce marketing platform helped online stores drive growth in sales and revenue.

infographic text

At Springbot, we produce a lot of content that highlights features and eCommerce marketing best practices. Ironically though, we tend to shy away from blogging about our success and the metrics that prove it. Today, that stops. We figured it was finally time for a good pat on the back.

The infographic below illustrates why Springbot is so great by telling the story (in numbers) of how we helped drive growth in sales and revenue for our customers in 2014. Basically, we’ve been saying for ages that we help stores grow and today we prove it with numbers. So whether you’re just a small  store getting started in the world of online selling or you’ve being doing it for years – Springbot is a very easy to use, insightful eCommerce marketing tool that can help you optimize your marketing – providing analytics and reports on metrics that matter with a lot of really cool automated data-driven marketing recommendations.

Take a peek at the infographic below to see how the springbots, our army of marketing robots, can help you (and your store) grow.

Springbot 2014 Year in Review

Want to download a pdf version of this infographic? Click Springbot 2014 – A Year in Review to download.

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