Bot Blog

#UniteYourMarketing Twitter Chat on Omnichannel

Written by Mark Konigsmark | Mar 29, 2016 3:07:06 PM

In 2015, the term “omnichannel” continued to dominate many conversations in the retail industry as brands evaluated their current and future organizational needs. But now, it’s 2016 and omnichannel has evolved out of buzzword status to a legitimate movement.

What is the future of omnichannel commerce in 2016 and how will it continue to evolve? Join our Twitter chat to discuss the latest omnichannel trends and what our predictions for the future are.

Join us April 5, 2016 at 2pm EST for our first ever Twitter chat – featuring two guest panelists.

Our Guest Panelist

Erika Jolly Brookes, @ebrookes

Veteran technology and marketing executive Erika Brookes is chief marketing officer for Springbot, a marketing automation platform for eCommerce businesses, and her responsibilities include leading all brand, product, marketing campaigns and communications. Prior to joining Springbot, Erika Brookes was vice president of product strategy for Oracle, responsible for all go to market activities for the Oracle Social Cloud business including guiding product strategy. Prior to joining Oracle, she was vice president of marketing and communications at Vitrue, a leading provider of social marketing publishing software for global brands and agencies. Vitrue was acquired by Oracle in August 2012.
Throughout her career she has held numerous executive‐level marketing positions with leading technology companies like Oracle, Vitrue, MindSpring, Earthlink and Rackspace.
Brookes earned a BS in Business Administration from Berry College and has completed post‐ graduate executive level education in finance and marketing. She has been a runner her entire life and participates in numerous 5K, 10K and half marathons including the Peachtree Road Race and Thanksgiving Day Half Marathon. Erika is married to David Brookes, and she will be most commonly seen running through Historic Druid Hills, Freedom Parkway, the Atlanta Beltline and Virginia Highlands with their yellow Labrador, Sunny. She can also be found actively sharing running news, inspiration and tips on Twitter @ebrookes.

Joe Reger @joereger

Joe Reger is the Co-founder and CTO of Springbot. Founded in 2012, Springbot delivers an eCommerce marketing platform to help online business grow their revenue by leveraging advanced revenue attribution and marketing automation technologies.
Prior to co-founding Springbot, Joe was the founder of dNeero – a social networking toolset that connects influential people with brands and charities. He also founded DataBlogging and served as the Director of Development for
A graduate of Georgia Tech, Joe is Springbot’s resident office technology junkie. His passion is helping eCommerce stores grow, one data-driven marketing action at a time while still making time to jump out of the occasional plane.
Joe lives in Marietta, Georgia with his wife Heather and three children. He enjoys running, cycling, and anything that offers an adrenaline rush.

How To Participate

  1. Create an account at (if you don’t already have one)
  2. Follow @springbot and our guest experts @ebrookes and @joereger.
  3. Follow the hashtag #UniteYourMarketing using one of your favorite Twitter applications (e.g.,, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, etc.) and be sure to include it in your tweet.
  4. Tweet us your questions in advance and we will make sure to answer them during our Twitter chat.  All you need to do is ask your question using the hashtag #UniteYourMarketing

What We’ll Cover

The #UniteYourMarketing Twitter chat will center around omnichannel marketing with a focus on: 

  • How the buyer’s journey has changed over time – social, mobile and the always connected consumer
  • Ways to create a more cohesive shopping experience for consumers 
  • The real difference between multichannel and omnichannel
  • Why it’s important to bring your eCommerce store’s data (and marketing) out of silos