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Aug 30, 2013

UPDATED: springbot interview on booth61 radio

ON AIR: Springbot Interview on Booth61 Radio - Listen to the live interview with Springbot CEO, Brooks Robinson, today at 2:00pm EST.

Springbot CEO, Brooks Robinson, was interviewed on the RadioX show Booth 61 with Ricky Steele.
Visit Booth 61 Radio to listen to the recorded interview.

Ricky and Brooks discussed a wide range of topics including:

– the origin of #MarketingRobotics;
– how Springbot is helping a growing list of very cool and exciting eCommerce customers increase their revenue;
– the growing Atlanta tech community; and
– Springbot’s focus on supporting local non-profits such as

Special thanks to Ricky Steele and Patrick Clement, CEO of SherpaDesk, for a fun afternoon and a great discussion.


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